Stručni sistem za laminiranje trepavica «LASH CurlUP» Korak 2
Kratke informacije
Korak 1 je rješenje koje se koristi u početnoj fazi postupka podizanja trepavica. Ovaj proizvod služi za omekšavanje kutikule kose, podižući ljuske zanoktice i olakšavajući prodor aktivnih komponenti u kosu. Nivo pH ovog rastvora je 9,0-9,5.
Korak 2 je rješenje koje se koristi u drugoj fazi postupka podizanja trepavica. Optimalna formula ovog proizvoda osigurava maksimalnu interakciju sa korakom 1. pH nivo ovog rastvora je 2,5–3,0. Važno je da proizvod ne sadrži natrijum bromat. Napominjemo da isporuka porudžbina može biti privremeno zaustavljena zbog niskih temperatura zraka (temperature ispod -5℃).
Isporuka porudžbina će se nastaviti kada temperatura vazduha poraste iznad 0℃.
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Volume 10 ml
Kako Korak 1 radi:
Amonijum tioglikolat, koji je jedan od sastojaka, otvara ljuske zanoktice i olakšava prodiranje aktivnih komponenti u dlačice. Utječe i remodelira savršeno disulfidne veze, postavlja dlačice trepavica na svoje mjesto i pomaže u formiranju potrebnog uvijanja trepavica (prema obliku silikonskog jastučića);
rješenje je ekonomično i jednostavno za korištenje te ima mekanu teksturu zbog posebnih komponenti, koje daju efekat okluzije;
hranljivi kompleks na bazi hidratantnih komponenti – keratina i kolagena – štiti proteinske strukture dlačica trepavica tokom postupka laminiranja, zadržava potrebnu vlagu, štiti dlačice od isušivanja i oštećenja, zgušnjava ih, daje trepavicama gustoću i volumen.
BILJEŠKA! Prije izvođenja postupka laminiranja trepavica preporuča se konsultovati tehnologa brenda ELAN professional line.
Kako Korak 2 funkcionira:
• obnavlja disulfidne veze dlačica trepavica, daje im elastičnost i plastičnost;
• postavlja oblik dlačica trepavica;
• obnavlja prirodni rN vlasi;
• zatvara ljuske kutikule kose;
• neutralizira višak alkalizatora;
Step 2 obogaćen je hranljivim kompleksom na bazi katjonskih i ovlaživača koji pružaju kondicionirajući efekat na kosu i dodaju joj sjaj.
pH rastvora je 2,5‒3,0. Proizvod ne sadrži natrijum bromat.
1. Analyze the eyelash hair condition of a client
Specify the processing time of the eyelash lamination solutions according to the instructions following below
1-st type: the eyelash hairs are thick or straight — processing time is 12-15 minutes;
2-nd type: the eyelash hairs are of the medium thickness or thin — processing time is 6-12 minutes.
2. Prepare the eyelashes for the lamination procedure
Check the eyelash hair condition and structure in order to specify the processing time properly.
Use «ELAN professional line Cleansing detox-mousse for eyebrows and eyelashes with antibacterial effect» for the hair degreasing before the eyelash lamination procedure.
Fix a silicone pad of the appropriate size on the upper eyelid.
Spread and fix the eyelashes on the silicone pad using glue and an applicator.
3. Create the eyelash curl (Step 1)
Apply Step 1 on the eyelash curl area. The processing time is 6-15 minutes. It is recommended to use the professional make-up brush BLACKWOOD #1 by ТМ ELAN professional line.
When the processing time is finished, remove the excess of the solution with a dry make-up brush in the eyelash hair growth direction. It is recommended to use the professional make-up brush BLACKWOOD #2 by ТМ ELAN professional line.
NOTE! The maximum processing time should not exceed the processing time for the selected eyelash hair type.
4. Fix the eyelash hair direction (Step 2)
Apply Step 2 on the eyelash curl area for which Step 1 was previously used.
NOTE! The amount of the solution used at the IV-th stage of the eyelash lamination procedure should be equal to the amount of the solution used at the III-rd stage of creating the eyelash curl.
NOTE! The processing time at the IV-th stage should be equal to the processing time at the III-rd stage of creating the eyelash curl. It is not allowed to reduce the processing time.
When the processing time is finished, remove the excess of the solution and glue with a cotton pad, moistened with water.
NOTE! In order to achieve the most impressive effect and the visible result ELAN professional line brand technologists recommend performing the eyelash tinting procedure with the gel tint 01 black by TM ELAN professional line, when the lamination procedure is finished.
Apply «ELAN professional line Cleansing detox-mousse for eyebrows and eyelashes with antibacterial effect» on the eyelashes to stop the chemical reaction. Remove foam with a cotton pad, moistened with water. Do this step when the eyelash tinting procedure is finished as well.
Use «ELAN professional line COLOUR FIX: colour fixing fluid for eyebrows and eyelashes with keratin and sunflower seed oil» for the better results.
It is highly recommended to avoid saunas, solariums and any mechanical damage of the created eyelash curl (e.g. sleeping face down on the pillow) as well as using mascara for 24 hours after the eyelash lamination procedure.
It is highly recommended to avoid using the aggressive cosmetic products for 48 hours after the eyelash lamination procedure.
Kontakt informacije
Gema Beauty d.o.o
Dalmatinska 2, 71000
Bosnia & Herzegovina