The First Brow Book «ELAN BROW BOOK» in Ukrainian (digital version)
Short information
The initial edition of the «ÉLAN BROW BOOK» is published in the Ukrainian language. This comprehensive book spans 252 pages, delivering a wealth of invaluable information for both aspiring professionals venturing into a new career and for experienced brow artists looking to enhance their expertise. Within its pages, you will discover a culmination of knowledge garnered over multiple years from the trainers and speakers at the Salon Business Career Academy «Ruki-Nozhnitsi». The book offers detailed, step-by-step instructions for performing beauty procedures, accompanied by exclusive illustrations meticulously crafted for the «ÉLAN BROW BOOK» by the ÉLAN brand team.
Made in
The first brow book is an essential tool for every brow artist. Whether you are an experienced professional or just started this profession, you will find valuable answers within the pages of «ÉLAN BROW BOOK». This comprehensive guide from the ÉLAN team encompasses:
– Illustrated guides for achieving the perfect eyebrow shape
– Step-by-step instructions for seamless beauty procedures
– Insights and recommendations from experienced eyebrow artists
– Exclusive techniques from ÉLAN for enhancing your procedures
– Various methods for correcting different types of eyebrow asymmetry
«ÉLAN BROW BOOK» is your reliable source for any questions that may arise.
Contact information
Elan Cosmetics doo
Malešićki put 115,
Bosna i Hercegovina